Evaluasi Pemisah Arah, Terhadap Kinerja Ruas Jl. Jenderal Soeharto Kota Kupang
Performance, Service Level Direction SeparatorAbstract
Along road Jenderal Soeharto is dominated by shops, educational facilities, trade, hotels, and gas stations which results in this road having very high activity, this can cause movement conflicts in traffic flow and can also trigger congestion. The temporary separator itself was installed on Jalan Jenderal Soeharto Sta.00+600 to Sta.00+850 in order to reduce right-turning vehicle conflicts so as to improve traffic flow. Based on the results of the analysis of the road performance evaluation that has been carried out, it can be stated that the road capacity after the direction separation has increased to 2213.24 pcu/hour from before the direction separation was 2079 pcu/hour while the free flow speed before the direction separation was 37.18 Km/hour decreases after there is a separation of 35.72 Km/hour, and the degree of saturation before separation of 1.09 increases to 1.69 after separation, with the level of service remaining the same in the bad predicate or F before and after there is a direction separator, the factor of increasing degree of saturation is due to the increased traffic volume from before the direction separator was 1722.70 Ppu/hour to 3757.50 pcu/hour after the direction separator, the increase in traffic volume is influenced by the increasing population of the city of Kupang every year while for the side friction decreased before there was a 2277.25Philippines/Hour to 1031.40Pu/Hours after a directional separator.
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